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Controlling Feral Cat Colonies

Feral cat colonies exist in Central Pennsylvania. To help control the overpopulation problem, CPHS has been able to offer TNR services for the Blair County area.  This is the recommended method nationwide for controlling feral cat colonies.

You Can Help!

You can help the CPHS control feral cat problems with a donation to our TNR program. The cost of one surgery is $50.


If you would like to help continue the TNR program, please donate online or call us at 814-942-5402 or mail a check with memo “TNR” to the Shelter at


Central PA Humane Society

1837 E. Pleasant Valley Boulevard

Altoona, PA  16602



1. If you are in Blair County
2.  Click above application link to download.

3.  Fill out information on the application
4.  Save application 
5.  Email application to


How TNR Works


TNR or Trap/Neuter/Release

is a planned, humane program for bringing feral cats to a local clinic for spay or neutering, the left ear is tipped during surgery (the universal symbol of an altered feline) and after recovery, the cats are taken back to where they were trapped for release. TNR offers these cats a healthier life in the wild.

How TNR Helps​


Cats coming into the CPHS Shelter have dropped by 1,378 or 53% since 2011. With all other operations at the Shelter being the same, we attribute this successful decrease to the TNR program.

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